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Lurker Scoreboard Software

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Lurker Scoreboard Software Empty Lurker Scoreboard Software

Mensaje por Spy 1 Lun Sep 05, 2011 8:13 am

Lurker Scoreboard Software Scoreboardone-300x151

Face it, a lot of fields are not equipped with their own electronic scoreboards, or if they do, they are only used during tournaments. So how many times have you ran matches with a stopwatch and kept score with pencil and paper? Lurker Paintball Products solves this problem with their Xball Software. Available for your PC, MAC, and via web browser for your Android mobile device (must support Flash), this software allows you to run match times, break times and keep score.

This is free Flash based Software that you can use to power your XBALL events or Practices. It does EVERYTHING. Race-To (2, 5 & 7) as well as FULL XBALL!

Download the files, open them, plug the software into your Car Audio or PA system and you are good to go!

Video Demo

Visit Lurker Paintball for more info, download links, and walk through.
Spy 1
Spy 1

Cantidad de envíos : 485
Edad : 44
Localización : Aruba
Fecha de inscripción : 27/10/2010

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