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Sly unveils new paintball gear for 2012

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Sly unveils new paintball gear for 2012 Empty Sly unveils new paintball gear for 2012

Mensaje por Spy 1 Sáb Jul 16, 2011 2:20 pm

Sly Equipment’s founder Ken Anderson recently met with paintball players and store owners in Malaysia. During one of the meetings at Napshot Paintball in Malaysia, Ken demonstrated several new prototypes and pieces of new paintball gear from the 2012 line. This is a huge first for the Malaysian paintball community. Congrats guys!

Ed note: The photos below appear to have been taken by a cellphone camera and are not of the highest quality. The photos provide a sneak peak at some or all of the new paintball gear that will be available for the 2012 calendar year.

Sly’s 2012 line of new paintball gear appears to include new paintball goggle colors, sly backpack, harnesses, lense bags, pants, and other playing gear.

Here are a few highlights from the paintball photo gallery.

Sly unveils new paintball gear for 2012 New-sly-paintball-goggles

Sly Equipment Prototype Paintball goggle. One of one in the world.

Sly unveils new paintball gear for 2012 Sly-paintball-gear-rumors
Sly unveils new paintball gear for 2012 New-sly-goggles-jersey-2012
Sly unveils new paintball gear for 2012 Sly-paintball-harness

A few more photos have been published in the Napshot Paintball Gallery on facebook. Thanks to Allan Phang of the PALS paintball league for the heads up.

Discuss your thoughts on the new paintball gear from SLY below.
Spy 1
Spy 1

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Edad : 45
Localización : Aruba
Fecha de inscripción : 27/10/2010

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