Dominican Paintball Players League
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Mensaje por Punisher #101 Lun Dic 15, 2008 9:25 am


1.1 These Rules of Play are designed to establish a common ground amongst recreational players. They are also here to display the fact that by also displaying the Charter for Recreational Play, I will do my best to follow these rules.
1.2 When playing as a walk-on, players are to follow the local rules, and abide by the guidelines of the Charter for Recreational Play (See also Section 8.0).
1.3 Many of the following rules have been established to promote sportsmanlike conduct.


2.1 Designated Safe Areas: The area where players can remove their goggles and where BARREL PLUGS MUST BE INSERTED and where NO SHOOTING IS ALLOWED. The location and boundaries of these areas will be exactly defined by the field staff.
2.2 Designated Shooting Area: The area where GOGGLES MUST BE WORN and where it is permitted to remove barrel plugs and discharge paintguns. This includes (and is not limited to) the playing areas (fields), the range, and the chronographing station. The location and boundaries of these areas will be exactly defined by the field staff.
2.3 Dead Zone: The area where players proceed after they have been eliminated from a game.
2.3.1 NOTE: A Dead Zone is generally within the Designated Shooting Area. Therefore, BARREL PLUGS MUST BE INSERTED and GOGGLES MUST BE WORN in the Dead Zone.
2.3.2 The boundaries/locations of the Dead Zone(s) will be exactly defined by the field staff before each game.
2.4 Walk-on Play: When any player is playing as guest of another group, where the player (and their group--if applicable) are the minority.
2.5 Field Staff (or Referee, or Ref): Any person who is working at a paintball field in an official capacity.
2.6 Player: Any person who plays paintball and is consciously abiding by the rules and the Charter for Recreational Play.


3.1 Goggles
3.1.1 The only goggles which are permitted to be used are those specifically designed for paintball.
3.1.2 The goggles must have face protection (a mask), and the mask must at least cover the front of the face.
3.1.3 The goggles should have ear protection. If the goggles do not, players are advised that they should have some protection against paintballs entering the ear canal (such as a hat or bandanna).
3.1.4 Goggles are to be worn BEFORE the player enters into the Designated Shooting Areas.
3.2.1 Barrel plugs will be inserted into the muzzle of the paintgun BEFORE entering into any Designated Safe Area.
3.2.2 Squeegees are not acceptable substitutes for barrel plugs.
3.2.3 Paintguns will NOT BE DISCHARGED FOR ANY REASON while in the Designated Safe Area.
3.3 Chronographing
3.3.1 All paintguns will be chronographed. 3.3.2 Paintguns will be set at no higher than 290 feet per second for outdoor play and 250 feet per second for indoor play (unless the field requires lower velocities).
3.3.3 More experienced players are to aid those less experienced at chronographing.
3.3.4 Paintguns WILL be chronographed: Before play begins at the first of the day; Before play begins after lunch; After disassembly, and subsequent reassembly, of a paintgun; After changing barrels; When requested by a member of the Field Staff; and When requested by another player.
3.3.5 Paintguns SHOULD be chronographed: After changing constant air tanks; After turning off, and subsequently turning on, constant air tanks; and After decoupling, and subsequently recoupling, remote systems.
3.3.6. The above chronographing guidelines are in place because they all affect the performance and settings or a marker.
3.3.7 Miscellaneous No tools of any kind shall be allowed onto the Playing Area, this includes any type of knife. Incendiary, explosive or smoke generating devices are not permitted, without the approval of field staff. Aggressive physical contact between players is not permitted. The use of any intoxicant is not permitted before arriving at the field and while at the field.


4.1 Access to any velocity adjustment device must involve partial or complete disassembly of the paintgun or components thereof and/or require the use of tools to do so.
4.2 Velocity will be adjusted to 10 feet per second below the field limit, for extra safety.


5.1 An elimination is defined in three ways:
5.1.1 Any time a paintball HITS and BREAKS anywhere on the player, their equipment or paintgun, that player is eliminated from play. "From the top of your head, to the bottom of your tread. A splat's a splat, no matter where it's at.";
5.1.2 Any time that a player indicates by WORD ("OUT!" (preferred), "HIT!", or "DEAD!") or GESTURE (Raising one or both (preferred) hands above the head) that they have been eliminated, that player is eliminated from play; and
5.1.3 Any time a player surrenders.
5.2 If the paintball HITS but DOES NOT break, that player is still in the game, UNLESS THAT PLAYER INDICATES BY WORD OR BY GESTURE THAT THEY HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED FROM PLAY. As a courtesy to his/her opponent, the player shall announce "BOUNCE" or "NO BREAK".
5.3 When eliminated the player MUST indicate by saying "OUT!" "HIT!", or "DEAD!" in a loud voice and raise one or both hands above the head. The player then proceeds to the area that was designated for eliminated players to go.
5.4 Players are not to be marked at ranges of ten feet or less. They must be offered quarter (a surrender).
5.4.1 This is accomplished by manoeuvring (unseen) within 10 feet of an opponent and asking the opponent to "SURRENDER!" in an authoritative voice.
5.4.2 When a player is asked to surrender, and that player decides to surrender, that player MUST indicate their surrender IMMEDIATELY by saying "OUT!" (preferred), "HIT!", or "DEAD!" and raising at least one arm in the air. The surrendering player then leaves the field of play to the area designated for that game.
5.4.3 ANY OTHER ACTION other than the player saying "OUT!" (preferred), "HIT!", or "DEAD!" and raising at least one hand above the head will be interpreted as non-compliance and result in that player being shot by the player who offered quarter (surrender). In this case, the player who offered quarter must make every attempt to mark the other layer in an area where it will not cause injury or undue pain (for example, boot or buttock).
5.5 Eliminated players
5.5.1 Eliminated players are not permitted to communicate with other non-eliminated players in any way.
5.5.2 Eliminated players are not permitted to purposely interfere with the course of the game.
5.5.3 Eliminated players are expected to act in such a way that other players know that they have been eliminated from play (by WORD and GESTURE), until they are off the field of play.
5.5.4 The ³tactic² known as the Dead Man¹s Walk is not permitted. This is a technique wherein a player PRETENDS to have been eliminated by walking casually along the field in a non-aggressive manner. When said player has reached an advantageous point on the field they immediately engage in play. While not cheating in the strictest sense, it is unsportsmanlike to take advantage of another player¹s trust in this way.
5.5.5 Players must keep in mind that they may be hit, after being eliminated, if they are not displaying behaviour as outlined in Rule 5.5.3. It is the eliminated player¹s responsibility, not the players still actively playing.


6.1 Players will be briefed on the format (one flag, two flags, straight elimination, etc.), the time limit, the elimination rules (one hit/out, reincarnation, etc.), and any special rules/restrictions by the Field Staff before each game or series of games begin.
6.2 Winning the game.
6.2.1 Standard Capture the Flag. The team who first captures the opposing team's flag AND hangs it in their own flag station, before the time limit expires, will be declared the winner of the game.
6.2.2 For any other game, the objective will be clearly stated before the game begins.
6.3 During any Capture the Flag game, if the player carrying the flag is hit, the player must drop the flag immediately.
6.4 During any Capture the Flag game, the flag must be carried so that is fully exposed and cannot be rolled up and/or hidden under clothing.


7.1 Field staff instructions will be obeyed at all times.
7.2 If a single player marks another player with three or more shots in rapid secession, the player who was shooting is also out of the game.
7.3 When a player believes he has marked an opponent, and suspects that the opponent does not realize it, the player shall request the opponent to "CHECK YOURSELF", providing the general location of the mark ("ON YOUR RIGHT LEG", or "ON YOUR LOADER"). While an opponent is checking the location, (when requested by another player) the player shall not continue to fire at or move on that particular opponent. (Note: If a player is checking themselves, without the prompting of another player, that player is still considered to be in the game and will be shot at and moved upon. This is because checking yourself is an integral part of the game. Players requested to check themselves are given the courtesy to be allowed to do so. This is also to prevent the use of "CHECK YOURSELF" to be an intentional distraction to gain an unfair advantage.)
7.4 When in doubt, players are to adhere to the tenants of the Charter for Recreational Play.


8.1 Any local field rule that is of a higher standard than any rule established herein, the field rule shall override the applicable Rule of Play. Example: if a field rule states that players are not permitted to bring their paintguns into the Designated Safe Area, this rule overrides the Rules regarding the handling and use of paintguns and barrel plugs in the Designated Safe Area.
8.2 Any local field rule that is of a lower standard than any rule established herein, the Rules of Play will override the applicable field rule. For instance, if a field rule only requires players to chronograph once a day the rules involving chronographing will take priority over the field rule.
8.3 While not all players will abide by these rules and they are largely unenforceable, they are here to establish the conduct that should pervade in recreational paintball.
Punisher #101
Punisher #101

Cantidad de envíos : 179
Edad : 48
Localización : Near, very near!!!
Fecha de inscripción : 09/08/2008

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Mensaje por Zack1025 Lun Dic 15, 2008 12:41 pm

Muy buena info. Very Happy

Cantidad de envíos : 1413
Edad : 33
Localización : Arriba
Fecha de inscripción : 24/07/2008

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