Dominican Paintball Players League
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NPPL Super 7 DC Challenge

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NPPL Super 7 DC Challenge Empty NPPL Super 7 DC Challenge

Mensaje por JohannRozd Sáb Ago 11, 2012 1:05 pm

Aldie, VA
August 24-26, 2012

Join us as we invade the Nation's Capital, Loudon County with awesome paintball action! DC Challenge is building up to be another epic event you won't want to miss! Register today and SAVE on entry! We also have amazing discount on flights and and rentals so get in on the deal TODAY! Don't forget about the All Star Pro's Game that will happen ONLY at the DC Challenge. Which PRO will you vote for, voting starts June 15th so get your mouse ready to vote! NPPL Super 7 DC Challenge 12DC_corner_sm
NPPL Super 7 DC Challenge 12DC_breakout_sm

Cantidad de envíos : 413
Edad : 43
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2008

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