Dominican Paintball Players League
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Chris Lasoya Joins San Francisco EXPLICIT

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Chris Lasoya Joins San Francisco EXPLICIT Empty Chris Lasoya Joins San Francisco EXPLICIT

Mensaje por JohannRozd Vie Feb 03, 2012 2:49 pm

We didn’t see this coming! Longtime Paintball Legend Chris Lasoya Joins San Francisco EXPLICIT!

You might remember as we reported earlier this year the recent additions to the EXPLICIT roster. With players like Neil Eberle, Tyler Harmon and now Chris Lasoya- EXPLICIT is putting together what appears to be a powerhouse team. Core cohesion will be critical for the team in 2012: team managaement and results will matter when it comes to game time. EXPLICIT will be competing in the 2012 NPPL Super 7 Tournament Series.

Chris Lasoya, the Ageless Wonder, has signed with San Francisco Explicit to participate with them in the NPPL Series. Rob Montiero, Owner and President of The Explicit Group, states “We are extremely excited about having this great addition to our team. We know that his experience coupled with the current roster will be an added value and benefit for Explicit.”

“I am looking forward to this year and this new venture with Team Explicit. Rob and company have taken the steps to create a team that will be very competitive. I would like to be a part of that. I have always liked the guys currently on the roster and the new pick ups I have played against for years and I have always had the utmost love and respect for. ‘Talent wins games … but Teamwork and intelligence wins championships.’ MJ said that.” – Chris Lasoya

With less than two months to go until the first event (NPPL Surf City Open March 29- April 1st) fans are eager to see the results.


Cantidad de envíos : 413
Edad : 43
Fecha de inscripción : 23/09/2008

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