Dominican Paintball Players League
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Tippmann to be Gun Sponsor 2011 of the Millennium Series

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Tippmann to be Gun Sponsor 2011 of the Millennium Series Empty Tippmann to be Gun Sponsor 2011 of the Millennium Series

Mensaje por Spy 1 Lun Sep 05, 2011 8:00 am

Tippmann Sports is pleased to be a sponsor of the Millennium Series. Proudly celebrating 25 years in paintball, Tippmann Sports is dedicated to quality manufacturing as well as advancing paintball technology and design. The company serves the global paintball industry from its headquarters and manufacturing facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA and its service center in Brussels, Belgium. Thanks to the addition of the NXe product line, Tippmann Sports now offers a complete line of paintball markers, soft goods, and other related accessories that can be found at paintball stores, fields, mass retail and sporting goods outlets throughout the world.
Spy 1
Spy 1

Cantidad de envíos : 485
Edad : 44
Localización : Aruba
Fecha de inscripción : 27/10/2010

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